How does it feel competing in Public Speaking Contests?

I am competitive by habit since young.  It is like playing a favourite board game with strong players. An addiction and an inclination especially if I have shown an aptitude for it.

Every year I look forward to the start of contest season at Toastmasters to experience the rush of adrenaline. There were some years I have prepared intensively and some years I only dreamt intensively of preparing. Preparation always helps.

My first contest was only a month after I joined as a Toastmaster in 2018. I was qualified only for the Table Topics (Impromptu speaking for 2 mins on any random topic) contest and since I was too new, I did not participate in the Evaluation speech contest. I remember even then an urge to win, a hope I could crack it despite being surrounded by seasoned Toastmasters. Needless to say, it was a fanciful wish. I didn’t even know how the judging happened or how many levels of the contest there were etc. There are three timer cards shown to every contestant so we remain within the time limit. Green at 1 min, Yellow at 1:30 mins and Red at 2 mins. One must end the speech by 2 mins 30 secs or stand to get disqualified. I was one of those people who waited desperately for the green card to show up as I would, often in the middle of the speech, get the feeling of having goofed up and wanting to quit to save face. I did not win in 2018. But I thought about 5 different ways I could have dealt with the topic and what went wrong with my nerves.

The next year, I enrolled again but this time with very little hope of winning. But strangely I won the Club level contest because of providence or destiny. I had to move to the Area level Contest to participate next and that only meant one thing - search for help- Was there a way or method to approach Table Topics. Thanks to the internet and its contributors, I scrounged through workshops,  analyzed winning Table Topics speeches for patterns of thinking and figured out what the judges look for. That year in Area Contest, I forgot about all the techniques I had fished out but remembered only one- start with a question (laughs) and keep going on. I came third. As I watched the other contesting speakers, I thought to myself- How are they able to do it so well? I realized I needed to try more topics rather than only read about them. And the pursuit has stayed with me to this day.

In the years - 2020, 2021, 2022,  I won at the Area level consecutively but failed at the Division level (Division is the next level after Area). I had worked quite hard for 2021 and 2022. How to calm myself, how to project my voice, how to show confidence, how to structure the speech, a lot of reading, vocabulary and recollecting quotes I enjoyed. It did make a difference but it also made me realise these patterns should be internalised.

This year was special, I came second in my Division level contest which is a level up. I don’t consider a Division win my measurement tool but I knew I improved more. Every year I have tried a little more and learnt a little more, not only about techniques but about how I operate. Everyone is unique, and my issues centre mainly around focus, flow and anxiety. This year I had sipped a glass of water before I took to the stage, I took deep breaths and smiled, the topic was read out - “The tone is the message”. I thought to myself- “oh, this is quite familiar and easy.” Tick tick 1, tick tick 2, tick tick 3 and my first idea was about IVR(Interactive Voice Response) machine-sounding phone calls we make. And I jumped straight in. I had a rocky start as I stuttered and scrambled for the right words that didn’t come at the right time but I had to move on and I did. I went to one of the workshops I had given on vocal variety and showed them how tone shapes our speech. Saw a few interested faces engrossed in my speech and that encouraged me further. I bounced to a few rhetorical questions and closed with a call to action- a familiar structure I was used to in my practices. I made sure I showed my vocal dexterity, my ability to establish eye contact and move the stage. As I saw the red card I rounded up and left. Yet again feeling it wasn’t my best.  My best ideas rushed inside me at the speed of light immediately after I left the stage (laughs). I could have used my workshop examples more. I could have used a few more seconds to think before I started. I could have emotionally connected with the audience more and made them agree with me. I need more contest simulated practice screamed the voices of that very harsh self-critic that resides within me.

As I sat down and watched the remaining speakers, I observed the vulnerabilities and strengths in every contestant. I saw even the most admired speakers (some are professionals) of mine were nervous. It was after all normal to feel the way I did I thought.

I have decided to be kind to myself this time and make amends and be more appreciative because on reflection I know how much I have persisted; I know how often I have chosen courage over fear and I know of all the collective efforts I have put into its pursuit through practice over the years. So here I go- “I am proud of you, Deepa! You are a winner.”

I know I will contest again, maybe not next year but I know I will be back. I will be back until I feel I have reached a place of feeling very comfortable and ready. And I know I will grow. It is a fascinating experience to watch my videos of the past years and witness the growth.

We lose to learn and contests are my accelerated learning curves. I personally advocate everyone to try contesting. After all, what is there to fear- You might win or you might lose. Either way, you only go on to learn more. It is a good addiction to have.

Attached video links to some contest speeches


  1. Deepa you're a natural. You are an inspiration to many.A Star of Speech Weavers Toastmasters Club.I am sure in your Odyssey at Toastmasters you will conquer all your aspirations.
    All the best πŸ‘

  2. A great read. It stands out being honest and natural.

  3. Adarsh Krishna RMay 7, 2023 at 8:36 AM

    A great read! It encapsulated the entire experience of competing in a contest. The jitters you experience at the start to the joy of the having contested was vividly described. Thank you for sharing your thoughts. I am certain that it will push many to compete at contest and feel proud of themselves. Keep writing and inspiring us with more of your articles.

  4. “You are a winner Deepa and I’m proud of you!” Borrowed the quote but mean every bit of it

  5. Every success comes with great effort and every effort may not bring success.peristent to attain a goal is what has been your charector which is amazing.hard work and integrity will mould you as a great personality.In your life I could see steadfastness.My only advice you that be bold and believe in God you will always be blessed. For my beloved daughter my blessings and prayers will be with you always .

  6. It is said that success comes in every effort one makes but every effort may not bring success.perseverance is always once attempt to reach a goal and that is what you have attained mostly.neverthe less it is human nature to reach the moon and by that thinking you will definitely be a star among the stars of the sky shining more and more.Beleive in God and have faith because it can move mountains .For my loving daughter my prayers blessings and love remain with you forever and ever.

  7. Congratulations DeepaπŸ‘πŸ‘ It was a pleasure witnessing your speech during the Division B Contest last week. You are an Inspirational speaker and deserve many more accolades. Keep inspiring us as always : )

  8. Curiosity, passion, hard work and perseverance can change the life of anyone. Just believe on yourself and go ahead you will be the star 🌟 congratulations for your achievement ✨️ 😍

  9. Good to read. I can see scenario in my eyes while reading. Authentic

  10. A great blog explaining all about what speech contests are in Toastmasters. Well done. It is a great story about your journey to the Division level.

    My one room for improvement, would be to better relate your blog title to the content of the speech. You told us all about what you did in each contest, but very little about how you felt when you competed. What emotions were swirling around inside you, before, during and after each contest? How did you feel when preparing for each contest?

    With public blogs like that I feel a nice balance between explaining the subject matter (for non Toastmasters) and expressing your feeling throughout (more for existing Toastmasters) is needed. This way everyone can get more enjoyment with your blog.

  11. Loved the way you have expressed your journey of Public Speaking and how you have aced yourself! Could resonate with you about participation in Public Speaking contests. Every speech/ contest is a new experience. Remember participating in ISC Division Level contest recently when my husband was in ICU. My husband has always encouraged me and he was so happy that I could participate. Continue inspiring others as always!

  12. Wao Deepa ! Congratulations Deepa !!!πŸ’You always amaze with writing style.Your Blog explained in brief about feelings what one can go through ! Reading this blog is very comforting . So much learn from you!


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